Home » Building Use Application  

Building Use Application  

The NRNC building is available for extracurricular meetings by organizations with goals compatible with those of the NRNC and the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife on the following terms and schedule.

  • Evening meetings lasting no later than 9:30 pm, with clean‑up and the building exited by 10:00 pm may be scheduled year‑round.
  • Weekday meetings may be scheduled subject to the following exception(s): [1] May not be available during the primary environmental education seasons when we cater to our primary clientele, local school groups and summer camps.
  • Not available on weekends from 12-4pm while we are open to the public.
  • A fee of $300.00 per day and/or evening is requested to offset the center’s operation. This fee can be waived for organizations without the money to pay if outlined in a letter of need. All money generated by building use above operation cost goes directly into helping NRNC accomplish our mission.
  • WDFW is exempt from this fee.
  • Parking passes are available inside the center for those who do not have a current WDFW Access and Stewardship decal or Discovery Pass.
  • No set-up or clean-up service is available; you must set up your arrangement and return all furniture to its proper place when you are through.

Please follow the link below to fill out our Building Use Application.