In 1991, 1992, and 1995 the Nature Center sponsored a sequence of workshops and symposia on Nisqually basin research opportunities and research project results. (The events were co-sponsored with the American Littoral Society and/or the Nisqually River Council.) The Nature Center is in informal discussions with the Nisqually River Council about a Fourth Nisqually Research Symposium.
The Third Nisqually Research Symposium in 1995 continued the tradition begun in 1991 by Nisqually Reach Nature Center and American Littoral Society of providing a forum for scientific research on the Nisqually Delta. This symposium expanded the geographic scope to include the entire basin, and we were joined by Mount Rainier National Park, Nisqually Indian Tribe, Nisqually River Council, Nisqually River Education Project, and University of Washington's Pack Experimental Forest as co-sponsors. Opening, Luncheon, and Closing plenary sessions framed the four concurrent sessions on The River, Forest Ecosystems, The estuary, and Indicator Species.
An Abstract of Proceedings was published and distributed at the symposium.
Nisqually Reach Nature Center. 4949 D'Milluhr Drive NE. Olympia WA 98516-2311.
(360) 459-0387.
NRNC@NisquallyEstuary.org |